The Great Finger Nail Saver.
Having to replace the compression tubing on a rimless frame can be a huge chore if you don’t have the proper tools. One particularly tedious step in the process is removing the tubing from around the barbed posts. With this tool you effortlessly cut through the tube without biting into the metal post. The cutting blade gap is adjustable so you set the proper cutting depth. Use the slot in the jaw to remove the cut tube from the post.
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Insider Info from Joshua
"I was working on the Post Pushing Plier #5121F and having to repeatedly remove the plastic from the compression rimless posts. My fingernails lasted about five posts and then I went for the straight edge razor. Scared the heck out of me! All I wanted to do was to safely cut the tube down to the post and strip it off without bleeding or destroying my nails. This tool saves you from all that."